• Keloid Removal
  • Baldness Care              (Male & Female)
  • Massage Therapy
  • Laser Therapies
  • Tattoo Removal
  • Ethnic/ Tribal Mark Removal
  • Hair Removal
  • Diagnostic Lab Test


With our regimen of care with 3 to 4 months we attain impressive hair regrowth. Excellent results for both male pattern balding, receding hairlines and female pattern balding due to repeated, excessive tight hair braiding, hormonal change or age.


  • Acne Cure (Permanently)
  • Stretch Marks Removal
  • Skin Toning
  • Skin Rejuvenation
  • Wrinkles Removal

Medical Services, including Newborn, Pediatric, Adult and Geriatric
Asthma and Allergy Immunology Services
The "Suwanee Sisters" Joggers club

Suwanee Aesthetics

...wake up beautiful  Everyday 

At Suwanee Aesthetics, Inc we help you have your cake and eat it too. A wonderful family and your  pre pregnancy body! In the past good results superb only done within 6 months, but now with improved Aesthetics techniques "beautiful" is never too late.

  • Botox & Dermal Fillers
  • Liposuction (Non-Surgical)
  • Medical Weight Loss
  • Weight Optimization Care
  • "Vampire Face-Lift"      

At Suwanee Aesthetics, Inc we use the safest, pain free techniques to eliminate fine wrinkles and refresh, rejuvenate sun-damaged skin. Reverse the effects of gravity. Enhance Skin's Elasticity diminished by the passage of time. Look as youngest you feel! Start today at Suwanee Aesthetics.

ACNE CURE (Permanent)

Wake up beautiful Everyday!

No more need of lotions, nor potions, nor powders, no pills. Great glowing heathy 100% blemish free skin can be yours. Permanently. Our regimen helps to totally eliminate acne. Beautiful, low maintaince glowing skin is an easily achieved goal and our absolute pleasure to make your days reality.

Click on the following to learn more about our approach and services

Acne           Ear Lavage          Electrolysis           Liposuction